Coffee ride
Mont-Royal (3 pro-tours)
Route certified by

Mont-Royal (3 pro-tours)

A magnificent urban green space!

Photo Credit: @nomondayclub

Intermediate / Difficult

Niveau de difficulte du trajet de vélo mappa.
Type de route sur le trajet de vélo mappa.

Cobblestone (100%)

Distance totale parcourue lors du trajet de vélo mappa.

30 km

Temps nécessaire pour completer le trajet mappa.


Ascension du trajet de velo mappa.


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The Tour of Mount Royal (also called the “Camillien-Houde” climb, “La Montagne” or the “Pro-Tour”) is a cycling classic. With an altitude difference of over 200 meters per lap, Mount Royal is the perfect place for a good workout, while staying in the city center. This emblematic place is home to majestic neighborhoods and will allow you to discover an urban green space, an ideal compromise, the best of all worlds.

The tour starts at the bottom of the mountain at the corner of Camillien-Houde, Chem. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine and Park Avenue.

Being located in the city center, there are several cafes and refreshments nearby, but we suggest a cycling café that we particularly like: the Club Expresso Bar (also known as “The Club”).

The Club is a trendy coffee shop, which brings together a large cycling community and several prestigious cycling clothing brands such as Pas Normal Studio, Maap, Universal Colours, Rapha, etc. They also organize Weekly Coffee Rides on their Strava page! It is therefore a great way to meet other passionate cyclists and to ride in groups on a daily basis.

Since it is a small circuit of about 10km, we do not offer specific stops along the way. On the other hand, several groups of cyclists who organize “No-Drop” rides stop at the top of the Camillien-Houde climb, so that the whole group can come together.

The climb up Ridgewood Avenue is interesting to add to the course in order to add altitude gains at the exit. Ridgewood Avenue is located at the bottom of the Mont-Royal descent on Snow Coast Road.

Before or after the ride:

The Café Larue & Fils : is a popular place for cyclists. Among other things, the Messorem Cycling Club organizes group outings on Monday evenings (See their Strava page) and the outings end there.

Le Café Léo : is also a popular place for cyclists in Montreal and is a popular preor rideting point!

Good news for cyclists, every Sunday between 7:30 and noon, the Camillien-Houde lane is reserved for cyclists (as of June 18, 2023). This is possible thanks to the wonderful initiative of Cylovia Camillien-Houde.

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